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About Yosuke Sasaki


Yosuke Sasaki is an artist living in Hokkaido, Japan. His first solo-exhibition was held in 2003 when he was a student at University of Tokushima. Since then, he has been continuing his activity as an artist. The source of his expression is surprises he discovers in nature. There are many wonders around us. He expresses sensation of nature by his own approach. Some of his images resemble animals or insects. They are imagened from shapes of spattered and poured paints. In his childehood, he loved to read visual dictionaries of animals and insects. He also loved to actually touch living things (Of course he still does). He discovers fagments of animals or insects by watching the shapes of paints accidentally made and recreates them into his original creatuers. He has lived in Kamiyama-cho in Shikoku region for three years after his graduation from university. The town was separated from the city and surrounded by mountains. He always encountered irresisteble and magnificent view of nature. He has realized that human is only ONE part of great nature. Now he has returned to his hometown in Hokkaido. He is turning the life force and the miraculous view into his own world of art.


1980年6月23日 北斗市当別生まれ (39歳)


徳島大学大学院 人間・自然環境研究科 修了





2021 「Beyond the transparent wall」(cafe POP/IN /札幌市)

2019 「Amusing guest」(cafe taom /函館市)

2017 「流動的そうぞう体図鑑」(おとなり3図書館/徳島市)

「So! Many Spirits!! 」(ギャラリー三日月/函館市)

「So! Many Spirits!!」(OUCHI GALLERY/ニューヨーク市)

2015  「なんか洋界展7~ヨウカイノハラワタ~」(ギャラリー犬養/札幌市)

2012 「なんか洋界展6」(蛯子ハウス/函館市)

2011 「なんか洋界展5」(ギャラリー三日月/函館市)

2010 「なんか洋界展√11」(ギャラリーくるり/倉敷市)


2007 「なんか洋界展3」(GALLERY GRACE/徳島市)

2006 「なんか洋界展2」(Gallery 花杏豆/徳島市)

2005 「なんか洋界展」(Wake up Gallery/徳島市)




2019 「はこだてトリエンナーレ」(北斗市渡島当別駅/函館・北斗・木古内)

2018 「青函交流アート展」(AUGA/青森市)


2016 「Show Case」(OUCHI Gallery/ニューヨーク)

2014 「DoMA 土間オブモダンアート」(民宿室屋/函館市)

2014  「y?y?=y?~わからないとわからないでぜんぜんわからない~」(大黒湯/函館市)

2012 「第6回100人展」(sala dei Templari/イタリア)

    「第4回100人展」(OUCHI GALLERY/ニューヨーク)

2010 「Square exhibition」(Space Wamb/ニューヨーク)

2009 「雲・蜘蛛展」(旧下分保育園/徳島県神山町)



2012 「函館トリエンナーレ」(函館市弥生町付近)

2011 「道南美術の21世紀」(道立函館美術館)

2010 「徳島チャレンジ芸術祭」(徳島県立近代美術館)

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